
Showing posts from September, 2024

How To Make Delicious Chung Cake and Bring It To The Market To Sell - Be...

Chung Cake, or Bánh Chưng, is a quintessential Vietnamese dish made from glutinous rice, mung beans, and pork, wrapped in dong leaves and boiled for hours. It’s not just a festive food but also a potential market hit if made well. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to make Chung Cake and provide tips on how to market and sell it successfully. Ingredients: For the Cake: Glutinous Rice (Sticky Rice) : 2 kg Mung Beans (Split) : 500 g Pork Belly : 1 kg (cut into cubes) Dong Leaves : 20-30 leaves (fresh or dried, cleaned and prepped) Salt : To taste Black Pepper : To taste Shallots : 4 (finely chopped) Cooking Oil : 2 tbsp Water : As needed For Marinade: Soy Sauce : 2 tbsp Fish Sauce : 2 tbsp Sugar : 1 tbsp Instructions: Preparation of Ingredients: Soak the Glutinous Rice : Rinse and soak the rice in water for 6-8 hours or overnight. Prepare Mung Beans : Rinse and soak the mung beans for at least 2 hours. Then, steam until soft and mash them. Marinate Pork : Combine the pork

Handmade Bamboo Fish Catchers And Bamboo Tube Grilled Fish | One Wish

Discover the beauty of handmade bamboo products with the Handmade Bamboo Fish Catchers and Bamboo Tube Grilled Fish collections from One Wish. Meticulously crafted from natural bamboo, these products not only show the sophistication of the art of crafting, but also provide a great food experience. 1. Handmade Bamboo Fish Catchers Subtlety and Quality The Handmade Bamboo Fish Catchers set is completely handmade, using high-quality bamboo and traditional techniques. Each fishing rod is designed with high durability and effective fishing features. Material: Bamboo is natural, lightweight but durable. Design: Sophisticated, easy-to-use with a sturdy attachment mechanism. Dimension: Suitable for a variety of fish and fishing conditions. Benefits of use Durability: The bamboo material makes the fishing rod not only durable but also has good water resistance. Thrifty: One investment for a product with a long service life. Eco-friendly: Bamboo is a recyclable and biodegradable materia

Cooking Traditional Food: Honey Jelly & How To Grow Tomatoes At Home | D...

1. About Honey Jelly Honey jam is a traditional dessert, often loved for its natural sweetness and aromatic plasticity. This dish is very popular in different cultures and is usually made from pure honey. 2. Ingredients: 1 cup pure honey 2 cups water 1 packet gelatin (or 2 teaspoons gelatin powder) 1 teaspoon lemon juice (optional, to enhance flavor) 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional) 3. Instructions for making: Prepare the gelatin: Boil 1/2 cup of water and dissolve the gelatin powder in hot water. Let cool. Cooking Honey: Boil the remaining 1 cup of water, then stir in the honey. Combining Gelatin and Honey: Once the honey mixture has boiled, reduce the temperature and stir in the dissolved gelatin. If using lemon juice and vanilla essence, add at this time. Pour the Mold: Pour the mixture into the mold and allow it to cool completely before placing it in the refrigerator to solidify. The freezing time can be from 3-4 hours. Complete: Once the jam has solidified, you can cu

How to make Cake With Banana Leaves & Going to the Market to Sell

Ingredients: Cake Batter : Use your favorite cake recipe or a pre-made mix. For example, a simple vanilla cake batter might include flour, sugar, eggs, butter, baking powder, milk, and vanilla extract. Banana Leaves : Fresh or frozen banana leaves (you'll need enough to line your cake pan). Equipment: Cake Pan : Round or square, depending on your preference. Parchment Paper (optional): For added non-stick properties. Scissors : To cut the banana leaves. Brush : For greasing the banana leaves. Instructions: Prepare the Banana Leaves : If using fresh banana leaves, rinse them thoroughly to remove any dirt. If they’re too stiff, you can soften them by passing them over a flame or briefly steaming them. This makes them more pliable and easier to work with. Cut the banana leaves into pieces large enough to line your cake pan. Prepare the Cake Pan : Grease the cake pan lightly with oil or butter. Line the bottom and sides of the pan with banana leaves. If you’re using parchment paper, y

How to Make Five-Color Sticky Rice from Rice | Go to Market, Cook, and G...

Ingredients For the Sticky Rice: 2 cups glutinous rice (sticky rice) 1 cup coconut milk 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt For the Coloring: 1 tablespoon butterfly pea flower powder (for blue) 1 tablespoon beet juice or powder (for red) 1 tablespoon matcha powder (for green) 1 tablespoon pumpkin puree or powder (for orange) 1 tablespoon purple yam powder (for purple) For Garnish (optional): Toasted sesame seeds Shredded coconut Fresh fruits Going to Market Choose a Market: Head to a local Asian grocery store or farmer’s market where you can find glutinous rice, coconut milk, and specialty colorings. Check for Freshness: Look for fresh, high-quality ingredients. The sticky rice should be firm and white, and the coconut milk should be well-stirred and free of lumps. Select Natural Colorants: If using powders, ensure they are pure and free of additives. For juices or purees, choose fresh and natural products. Preparing the Sticky Rice Rinse the Rice: Wash the glutinous rice under cold wa

Harvesting Giant Bamboo Shoots - Making Spicy Bamboo Shoots

1. Understanding Bamboo Shoots: What Are They? Bamboo shoots are the young, edible sprouts that emerge from the ground and are harvested before they mature into mature bamboo. They have a tender texture and a mild, slightly sweet flavor. Giant Bamboo Varieties: There are many species of bamboo, but giant bamboo, like Bambusa oldhamii or Dendrocalamus giganteus , is particularly noted for its large, thick shoots. 2. Timing for Harvesting: Optimal Season: Bamboo shoots are typically harvested in the spring, just as they begin to emerge from the ground. This is when they are most tender and flavorful. Signs of Maturity: Look for shoots that are still tightly closed and have not yet started to split. Shoots should be firm and have a glossy appearance. 3. Harvesting Technique: Tools Needed: Use a sharp knife or a specialized bamboo shoot harvesting tool. Method: Carefully dig around the base of the shoot to expose it. Cut it close to the ground, taking care not to damage the surround

How to make Chung Cake and bring it to the market to sell - Gardening | ...

Chung cake (Bánh Chưng) is a traditional Vietnamese dish often made during the Lunar New Year (Tết). Its rich cultural heritage and delicious taste make it a perfect product to bring to the market, especially for those who value tradition or love homemade treats. If you have a passion for both gardening and cooking, you can grow some of the essential ingredients in your garden and turn this project into a unique venture. Here's how you can make and market Chung cakes for sale. 1. Ingredients for Chung Cake The key to a delicious Chung cake lies in high-quality ingredients. Here's a list of what you'll need: Glutinous rice (nếp): About 1 kg for several cakes. You can grow this in small paddies if you have enough space or buy it from trusted suppliers. Mung beans (đậu xanh): Split mung beans without the skin are preferred. If you have a garden, mung beans are relatively easy to grow. Pork belly (thịt ba chỉ): Choose pork belly with a good ratio of meat and fat. Pandan leav

How To Make Cakes From Sweet Potato - Gardening & Growing Vegetables | O...

Sweet potatoes are not only a nutritious and delicious vegetable, but they can also be transformed into delightful cakes. If you grow your own sweet potatoes in your garden, this recipe is the perfect way to enjoy them fresh from the ground. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making sweet potato cakes, from planting your sweet potatoes to serving them on your table. Step 1: Growing Sweet Potatoes in Your Garden Before you start making cakes, it’s rewarding to grow your own sweet potatoes. They are relatively easy to cultivate in a home garden. 1.1 Preparing the Soil Sweet potatoes thrive in well-drained, loose soil with a slightly acidic pH. Choose a sunny spot in your garden and till the soil to a depth of 8-12 inches. Add organic compost to enrich the soil. 1.2 Planting Sweet Potatoes Plant sweet potato slips (young plants) 12-18 inches apart in rows that are 3 feet apart. Sweet potatoes need about 90 to 120 days of warm weather to mature. Water regularly but make sure the soil doesn'

How To Make Bamboo Tables and Chairs - Harvest Bean Sprouts To Sell At T...

Materials and Tools Needed: Bamboo poles – Select sturdy, mature bamboo for durability. Saw or machete – For cutting the bamboo poles. Measuring tape – For accurate measurements. Sandpaper – To smoothen bamboo edges. Drill – To create holes for joining bamboo pieces. Nails or bamboo pegs – To assemble parts. Rope or rattan strips – For lashing or adding decorative elements. Varnish or lacquer – To protect the furniture and enhance the finish. Step-by-Step Instructions: Harvest and Prepare Bamboo: Choose bamboo that is around 3-5 years old, as it has reached the optimal strength for furniture. Cut the bamboo to the required length using a saw or machete. Dry the bamboo to prevent future warping or splitting. This can be done naturally by placing it in the sun for several weeks or artificially in a kiln. Design Your Furniture: Decide on the dimensions of your table and chairs. Sketch a simple design. Common dimensions for a chair might be a seat height of 45 cm, seat width of 40

How To Make Dumplings And Bring Them To The Market To Sell - Gardening |...

Selling homemade dumplings at the local market can be a fun and profitable venture, especially when you pair it with the fresh produce from your garden. Here's a detailed guide to help you start a small dumpling business, from making the dumplings to bringing them to market. 1. Preparing to Make Dumplings Before you begin, it’s essential to have the right ingredients, equipment, and a dedicated workspace. Ingredients: Dumpling dough : Flour, water, and a pinch of salt. You can also experiment with different types of dough, such as whole wheat or gluten-free options, depending on your target market. Filling : The filling is key to making delicious dumplings. Here are some options: Vegetarian : Fresh vegetables from your garden like cabbage, mushrooms, carrots, and tofu. Meat-based : Pork, chicken, or beef mixed with herbs and vegetables. Herbs and spices : Fresh herbs from your garden such as chives, cilantro, parsley, and garlic. Equipment: Mixing bowls Rolling pin Dumpling molds (

Harvest Duck Eggs, incubate them and go to the market to sell | One Wish

1. Harvesting Duck Eggs Timing: Duck eggs are usually laid in the early morning. To ensure freshness, collect them as early as possible. Preparation: Before collecting, make sure the nesting area is clean and dry. Gently handle the eggs to avoid cracking or damaging the shells. Selection: Not all eggs are ideal for incubation. Choose eggs that are clean, free from cracks, and of standard size. Discard misshapen or dirty eggs unless they can be cleaned carefully. 2. Incubating the Eggs Choosing the Incubator: For successful incubation, choose a reliable incubator that maintains consistent temperature and humidity. Temperature and Humidity: Set the incubator to a temperature of 37.5°C (99.5°F) and humidity around 55-65% during the first 25 days. In the last 3 days, raise the humidity to 70%. Turning the Eggs: Eggs should be turned 3-5 times a day to prevent the yolk from sticking to the shell. Stop turning the eggs 3 days before hatching. Duration: Duck eggs typically hatch after

Harvest Giant Snails, Prepare Dishes And Go To The Market To Sell | One ...

Giant snails have long been considered a delicacy in many parts of the world, especially in Southeast Asia. With their tender meat and unique taste, they are highly sought after for a variety of dishes. In this article, we’ll explore the process of harvesting giant snails, preparing them for consumption, and selling these delicious meals at the market. 1. Harvesting Giant Snails The first step is to locate and collect the snails from their natural environment. Giant snails can usually be found in moist areas like forests, gardens, and near water bodies. Steps to Harvest Giant Snails : Search Early in the Morning or After Rain : Snails are most active in the morning or after rain when the ground is moist. Tools and Equipment : Wear gloves and use a container to collect the snails. Ensure that the snails are handled with care to avoid damaging their shells. Cleaning the Snails : Once collected, rinse the snails with clean water to remove dirt and debris. Some recommend fasting the snails

Harvesting Catfish & Grill Fish - Celebrate National Day | One Wish

As National Day approaches, there’s no better way to honor tradition and celebrate than by enjoying nature’s bounty with family and friends. This year, we’re combining two of the most rewarding experiences of country life: harvesting fresh catfish from the pond and grilling it to perfection over a warm fire. Let’s make this day special by reconnecting with nature, sharing a delicious meal, and cherishing the simple joys that bring us together. Part 1: Harvesting Catfish On this day, we will start by heading out to the pond to harvest catfish. Whether you’re an experienced angler or trying this for the first time, there’s something truly fulfilling about catching your own food. The excitement builds as you reel in each catfish, appreciating the connection between the land and your table. After the catch, we’ll take a moment to clean and prepare the fish, ensuring it’s ready for the grill. Part 2: Grilling the Fish Once the catfish is harvested, it’s time to fire up the grill. We’ll seas

Handmade Bamboo Fishing Tools & Smoked Fish - Animal care

In traditional rural life, fishing has become an integral part, especially when using handmade tools from bamboo. Bamboo is an easy-to-find, environmentally friendly and durable material that is suitable for making fishing gear. In addition, fish after catching are often processed by traditional methods such as smoking, retaining their natural flavor and preserving them for a long time. In this process, it is also important to take care of the animals that live on the farm, from taking care of chickens and ducks to shepherd dogs. 2. **Bamboo fishing gear **Choose bamboo materials: **Popular Tools Fabrication Technique: Bamboo is carefully cut and shaped, using tools such as machetes, wooden hammers to chisel, bend and weave into the finished product. Sometimes, the tool is reinforced with braided wire, rope, or some type of natural wire to ensure durability. 3. The process of making smoked fish Fish preparation: The fish after catching it is cleaned, gutted and drained. Sometimes, the

FULL VIDEO 60 days: Making Bánh Chưng, Making Five-Colored Sticky Rice, ...

During the past 60 days, I have had the opportunity to experience the traditional process of making banh chung, making beautiful five-color sticky rice and finally going to the market to sell my finished products. Let's follow this detailed journey! 1. Day 1 - 10: Prepare ingredients In the first days, I started preparing ingredients for both dishes. For banh chung, I have to choose the best glutinous rice, fine green beans and fresh pork. As for five-color sticky rice, I look for natural leaves to create colors such as brocade leaves, pandan leaves, gac and turmeric. Day 1: Go to the glutinous fields and choose to buy rice. Day 2 - 4: Find and harvest coloring leaves. Day 5 - 7: Soaking rice, preparing mung beans, marinating meat for banh chung. Day 8 - 10: Coloring test for five-color sticky rice. 2. Day 11 - 30: Making Banh Chung and Five-color sticky rice Entering the main stage of the process, I started making banh chung and five-color sticky rice. This process requires in

Handmade Bamboo Fish Catchers And Bamboo Tube Grilled Fish | One Wish

Welcome to "One Wish" – where tradition and creativity meet in each of our unique handmade products. We are proud to present the "Handmade Bamboo Fish Catchers and Bamboo Tube Grilled Fish" collection – a perfect combination of craftsmanship and traditional culinary experiences. 1. Bamboo Fish Catchers: Handcrafted entirely from natural bamboo, our Bamboo Fish Catchers is a product that bears the mark of craftsmanship and quality. Each fishing rod is created with traditional techniques, ensuring durability and high efficiency in catching fish. Salient features include: **Material **Design k **Feature 2. Bamboo Tube Grilled Fish: Experience a unique grilled fish with our Bamboo Tube Grilled Fish. Using natural bamboo to grill fish not only creates a special flavor but also brings a traditional culinary style. This product is the perfect choice for those who love the newness and difference in their meals. Standout features include: **Substance **Design k **Use **Why C

Cooking Traditional Food: Honey Jelly & How To Grow Tomatoes At Home | D...

Honey jelly is a delicious traditional dish that is often served as a dessert or snack. With its natural sweetness and honey aroma, this dish is not only easy to make, but also very nutritious. Material: 1 cup pure honey 1 cup filtered water 1 packet of colorless gelatin (about 10g) 1/2 cup sugar (optional, if sweeter jam) A little lemon juice (optional, for acidity to help the gelatin freeze better) Instructions for making: Preparation of gelatin: In a small bowl, combine the gelatin in 1/2 cup of cold water. Let stand for about 5 minutes for the gelatin to rise. Boil the honey mixture: In a small saucepan, bring honey and 1/2 cup water to a boil. Stir well to combine. Thêm Gelatin: Once the honey mixture is hot (no need to boil), add the expanded gelatin and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Add Sugar and Lemonade: If desired, you can add sugar and lemon juice to the mixture. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour into the mold: Pour the mixture into the pre

How to make Cake With Banana Leaves & Going to the Market to Sell

Material: Baking Ingredients: 2 cups flour 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup butter or vegetable oil 2 eggs 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup fruit or pie filling (optional: banana, raisins, walnuts) Ingredients for preparing banana leaves: Banana leaves (cut into just enough pieces to wrap the cake) String or thread to tie banana leaves (if needed) Steps: Preparation of banana leaves: Rinse the banana leaves and dry them. Cut the banana leaves into rectangular or square pieces about 15x15 cm in size, depending on the size of the cake you want to make. To make the banana leaves softer, you can bake them over a fire or on a gas stove for a few seconds. This will make it easy for the leaves to fold and not tear. Preparation of the cake mixture: In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, and salt together. In another bowl, whisk the eggs with the sugar until the mixture turns light and fluffy. Add the butter (or vegetable oil) and vanilla to the egg

How to Make Five-Color Sticky Rice from Rice | Go to Market, Cook, and G...

Ingredients Sticky Rice: 2 cups (glutinous rice) Food Coloring: Red, green, yellow, purple, and blue (gel or liquid) **Cocoon Sugar: 1 cup Salt: 1/2 teaspoon Banana Leaves or Parchment Paper: For wrapping (optional) Sesame Seeds or Shredded Coconut: For garnish (optional) Shopping List: Sticky Rice: Available at Asian grocery stores or in the international section of major supermarkets. Food Coloring: Choose gel or liquid food coloring based on preference. Coconut Milk: Look for full-fat coconut milk for a richer flavor. Sugar and Salt: Common pantry staples. Banana Leaves or Parchment Paper: Banana leaves can often be found at Asian markets; parchment paper is available at any grocery store. Instructions: Prepare the Sticky Rice: Rinse 2 cups of sticky rice under cold water until the water runs clear. This removes excess starch and prevents the rice from becoming too sticky. Soak the rice in water for at least 4 hours, or overnight for best results. Prepare the Colors: Divi